It was a great 2012 for me. Though there were ups and downs, God's faithfulness was ever-present from the beginning 'til the end of the year. His Grace for me and my family never ends; always ready to forgive and to offer second chances. Always ready to sacrifice and love.
Indeed I have a lot to be thankful for.
My family.
My 19 years of existence.
My ministry.
My JIL family.
My school.
My friends.
My newfound interest: reading.
My blog.
My supportive readers.
My work.
My community.
My family's good health.
My good health.
My experiences.
My trials and testings.
And a whole lot more...
I have a lot to thank God for each passing day. This year I want to do the same, but I WANT TO SHARE MY LIFE'S STORY WITH YOU. I know how unpredictable life can get. Sure we know that our existence on Earth starts at birth and ends at death, but the life in-between can be very complicated in some way. We can be very happy one day, then broken the day after. We can reach the peak of our success one morning, then find ourselves in trash a few hours later. However hard life can get, I'd like to show you that it's God's gift that we should all treasure. Even in our darkest day, there is still something to thank God for.
If you want to join me, hop in and see how blessed you are! :']
Just post one photo of something that you thank God for the next 365 days of 2013. :] Witness how beautiful life is. :)
Click the caption.
Click the caption.
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9. Baby Sam |
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10. 6:59 AM |
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12. Serene Night |
معنا تتمكنوا من التسوق فى أسرع ما يمكن دون أن يكون عليكم دفع الكثير من المبالغ المالية و ذلك بفضل الخصومات التى تطرح عبر عدد من قسائم شراء الموقع و كذلك كوبونات الخصم التى من خلالها يتمكن العملاء من الحصول على كل ما هم بحاجة إليه بسهولة تامة و بأعداد كبيرة.
خصم يتجاوز ال 100 ريال متاح عبر عدد من قسائم شراء الموقع التى من خلالها يتمكن العملاء من الحصول على منتجات هى الأفضل فى التصميمات و الخامات و كذلك الأشكال, المقدمة فى أقسام موقعنا بأعداد كبيرة و يتمكن العملاء من اختيار المناسب منها بسهولة و يسر و دون أى تعب.
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Thanks for your comments! I would like to hear more from you soon! :') God bless you! :')