Title: Easy
Author: Tammara Webber
Published: May 24, 2012
Published: May 24, 2012
Publisher: Tammara Webber
Format: Ebook
Pages: 289
Type: Stand-alone
Bookshelves: Mature YA, Contemporary
Read: June 26-27, 2012
Links: Goodreads
What can I say?
I'm seriously left behind in class! Just like Jacqueline, I missed class for two weeks! Not because of a heartbreak, though. Heehee. Anyway, I was admitted in a hospital because of Dengue Fever stage II and I just went to class a while ago. When I asked my professors for a remedial class, I was hoping to get a tutor as cool as Landon. Unfortunately, my professors have yet to read "Easy" since they told me to catch up the lessons by myself! Ugh! Talk about unfair. How come I don't get a one-on-one e-mail tutorial session??? How come there's no Landon Maxwell to save me from my two-week ignorance of Political Thought, Southeast Asian Studies, Ethics, Japanese Studies, Medieval Literature, and Majors! See what I mean? Landon Maxwell could be really helpful right now.
Really, guys. Easy by Tammara Webber is that good. I just have to remind you, though, that it contains mature subjects and themes.
I was surprised by how heavy the plot is. I don't actually support some of Jacqueline and Lucas' decisions, but I'll leave it up to you to decide. Meanwhile, I'll share three lessons I got from the book.
Here it goes!
1. Don't let your past take away your future. It doesn't define who you are today and who you'll be in the future. Live life like there's no second chance!
I got this from both Jacqueline and Lucas. Jacqueline throws away her dream of entering a prestigious music school to follow her boyfriend in a State University, only to find out that he'll break up with her just before their 3rd year anniversary. Jacqueline is devastated and she'll rather fail the class than to sit beside her ex for an hour-long Economics class! Thankfully, her bestfriend/roommate and Econ professor help her to get back to her feet. Her bestfriend starts to encourage her to come to class and her professor gives her a cool and intelligent personal tutor, Landon Maxwell.
The past of Lucas is rather heart-wrenching and tragic to the point that he almost stopped living by wasting himself. His father, a Ph.D. holder and a well-known scholar, shut down his senses and rationality because their horrid past is too much to bear. Thanks to Dr. Heller, Lucas is spared from a dead-life.
2. Do not fear. Step up. Let your voice be heard.
Two weeks after their breakup, Jacqueline is almost raped by a brotherhood rival of his ex. Good thing, Lucas is there to stop him. Knowing the shame that she'll get, Jacqueline decides to keep the incident a secret until it happens again. She escapes the second time around, but not her bestfriend's sorority friend. That's the only time they relayed the rape cases to the authority; however, they'll have to face the consequences of their prolonged silence.
3. Follow your dreams.
That includes your heart's desire. Jacqueline will eventually decide if she'll pursue a degree in music or education. And she'll also have to face her heart. Whom does she love the most? Her ex? Landon Maxwell? or Lucas?
I know you'l enjoy this book, too! Enjoy reading! God bless you more. :)
This review can also be found at Goodreads! :)
Beautiful review Laurice! I loved this book as well! :D I just wanted to let you know that I've tagged you for the Liebster Blog Award!
Ivy Book Bindings
WOOOOW! Thank you so much for tagging me for the Liebster Blog Award! :) It's such a privilege! :D Thank you thank you! ^^ I'll take the time to answer them. :)
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