Who's up for some Book Challenge?

Hi guys! It's a rainy Tuesday here in our place, which means CLASSES ARE CANCELLED! Yey! =)) Please don't get me wrong. I'm still praying for those who are affected by the flood. Kindly pray for them as well! :) Thanks!

Let's Discuss Books! :)

(Click the Photos to link you to Goodreads)


Anyway, here's what I did on my way home. I wanted to improve my blog and make it useful and meaningful for you guys. :) So I was wondering if you would be interested if I share my Literature lessons with you! ;) At school, I'm supposed to take up 12 units of Literature (from Classical, Renaissance, Medieval, to Modern Literature) and I'm now on my 9th unit, which is Medieval Literature. Sweet. <3 One more to go! =) I love my Literature classes! Here we are taught how to read based on the text and its context. By understanding the context and words that the author chose, we try to unravel the meaning beneath the lines. It's an overwhelming experience! Cool, isn't it? ;) Plus my professor is amazing! :) He wants us to experience the same beauty that he sees along the lines of the text and believe me, it is life-changing! I would like to share the same experience with you! :) 

I was thinking if I'll start with Iliad (Classical Literature) and Macbeth (Renaissance Literature) since I finished taking them up before, but I'm up for a little challenge and adventure! :) Who's up for a little book adventure? I know I have the coolest followers, so I trust you guys! :) I'm taking up Medieval Literature this semester and we're discussing Inferno by Dante Alighieri. We just recently started, so I'm inviting you to jump in my journey with Dante and his Divine Comedy! :)

From time to time, I'll be posting excerpts of Inferno and other books. I'll be posting books that are open for discussion under "LIT 101" titles. I'll then add the notes I get from our lecture. Then, please let me know what you think! :) Just comment back and let's discuss the book together! :)

Btw, if you want to discuss other books, feel free to suggest! ;) Thanks! Enjoy reading! :) God bless us all! :)


el3nod said...

أقوي الخصومات على الإطلاق على مختلف منتجات الموقع التى من السهل الوصول إليها و التى تتواجد فى أقسامه المتنوعة على مدار اليوم و التى يتمكن الكبار و الصغار من عملاء موقعنا من الحصول عليها بتكلفة غير مبالغ بها و ذلك عبر عدد من قسائم شراء الموقع و كوبونات الخصم المتجددة.

el3nod said...

خصومات تتجاوز ال 100 ريال تتاح للعملاء عبر عدد من كوبونات خصم الموقع التى تسهل على العملاء التسوق و من خلالها يتمكنوا من الحصول على جميع لوازمهم بأقل تكلفة و تقدم المنتجات جميعها للمتسوقين من أشهر العلامات التجارية عالميا و محليا و بجودة لا مثيل لها فى أى موقع آخر من مواقع التسوق.

el3nod said...

خصومات تتجاوز ال 100 ريال على جميع المنتجات التى يرغب عملاء الموقع الغوالى من الحصول عليها فى اى وقت يريدوا من أقسام الموقع و التى تقدم عبر كود خصم الموقع الذى من خلاله يتمكن العملاء الغوالى من التسوق دون الحاجة إلى التفكير كثيرا فى التكلفة ليتمكنوا من الحصول على لوازمهم.

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