I love the layout and design of your blog; so much so can I ask you contact me at verdictbookreviews@gmail.com and share with me who designed it or if you did so yourself, to share some tips. Many thanks, love the site.
Hi! =) Thank you so much for visiting and following my blog! :) I have good news for you! ;) I got my blog template for freeee! :"> They're made by Kevin and Amanda @ Leelou Blogs. :"> Oooh. They have the best blog designs! :')
Check their awesome blogs @ http://www.leeloublogs.blogspot.com/
Hi Laurice! U friended me on goodreads and ur profile led me here. We have lots of common love: Jesus and books! Plus I'm a blogger too. I was blessed by how vocal u r on ur love for God. More blessings to you!
Yay! Glory to God! :) I am just praying that in this simply way (blogging), I can share God's love to all! :) I'm so happy to meet you in Goodreads! :D
*and of course, my (and yours, too) Saviour Jesus Christ <3
Just click the button of the category you like. :]
I love comments! :] Please do leave some if you like. ♥ I'd be grateful to hear from you. :) Hope you enjoy!
About Me ♥
I love JESUS. my family. my ministry. reading young adult books (esp. dystopian theme). watching movies. singing. cakes! (definitely my stress antidote!)
This blog will feature God's Word, book reviews, and other personal stuff (that includes songs, school, etc ) :')
BTW, can I ask you a simple favor? :)
Can you guys help me improve my writing? I really beg for your help! :) Thank you! I love you all! :)
I believe that life is a constant battle, but I know that I'll be able to conquer anything because my God is a GREAT GOD. Nothing is impossible with JESUS! May I dwell in the presence of His Holy Spirit all the days of my life.
"Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
Read 1 Timothy 6” -1 Timothy 6:12 (NIV)
Disclaimer: #365DOT is a blog feature at Dainty Damsel Stories . It features at least one thing, event, or person that I thank G...
Rating System:
5 Notes:
WOOOOOW! I can't believe its over! My eyes are craving for moooore! The plot, the characters, the resolution, the lesson of the story, the controversial issues that are handled wisely, and oh, the writing! The book is extremely fantastic! It doesn't mean it's perfect, but everything in the book falls into place.
4 Notes:
I'm surprised! I reaaally loved it! It would be better though if some issues are handled with care (considering its moral implications and stuff) and if some lessons are given with impact. But overall, the book is definitely awesome!
3 Notes:
Honestly, the book is pretty good, but it didn't appeal that much to me because it broke my heart. It either has a good plot, though there's not much lesson to get OR the plot is pretty good, but the ending is devastating.
2 Notes:
The book is fine, but it didn't appeal to me because it's pretty flawed: (1) issues are not handled wisely enough; (2) lesson is not clear; (3) or the plot is not that strong.
Hi! :) Thanks for dropping by. ;) Sure, no problem. :) I'll follow your blog. :) Kindly follow back? :) Thank you so much! :) Godbless! :)
I love the layout and design of your blog; so much so can I ask you contact me at verdictbookreviews@gmail.com and share with me who designed it or if you did so yourself, to share some tips. Many thanks, love the site.
Sophie :)
Hi! =) Thank you so much for visiting and following my blog! :) I have good news for you! ;) I got my blog template for freeee! :"> They're made by Kevin and Amanda @ Leelou Blogs. :"> Oooh. They have the best blog designs! :')
Check their awesome blogs @ http://www.leeloublogs.blogspot.com/
Thanks! ;) Godblessyou! :)
Laurice <3
Hi Laurice! U friended me on goodreads and ur profile led me here. We have lots of common love: Jesus and books! Plus I'm a blogger too. I was blessed by how vocal u r on ur love for God. More blessings to you!
Yay! Glory to God! :) I am just praying that in this simply way (blogging), I can share God's love to all! :) I'm so happy to meet you in Goodreads! :D
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