I'll be honest about my thoughts on If I Stay by Gayle Forman. The first few pages captured my interest easily. The story is about a happy family of four. The parents are both into rock while their 17 year old daughter is into classical music. They play electric guitars and drums. She plays the cello. It's a very easy and enjoyable read until the accident. I like how it is abrupt and in a sense, gory, not because of the emotions that come with it, but because of its realness. That's how life is, right? Problems, accidents, or trials strike us at the most unexpected way and at the most unthinkable severity.
As for the plot after that, it is kind of boring. BUT BEFORE YOU CLOSE THIS WINDOW AND RETURN YOUR COPY OF IF I STAY TO YOUR BOOKSHELF, you may want to finish reading this first. I say boring because the plot is just the usual patient visitations in the hospital and flashbacks in between. Other than that, you'll just have to read through it and enjoy the book as it is. When you reach the final page, you'll understand why the author chose to write it simply that way. The book feels raw. There are no baggages of what we call "artificiality or pretentiousness". It's so raw that you can feel and see the reality behind it. You see them as the persons they are and not just another fictional character.
I think the book isn't a story about death at all. It's not about whether you choose to live or die. It's about your choice after we lose everything we love. There may come a time that we'll lose (I'm not saying we will) everything we have. It may be our everything we hold so dear. And when that time comes, what will our choice be? Are we going to stay yet so lifeless? Are we going to dwell on the things we lost? Or are we going to face the pain with courage, accept it, and eventually allow ourselves to see the possibility that great things await us?
You could ask yourself the same thing while reading the book. It seems to be open-ended, but if you read closely, Mia answered these questions. May her answer help you find yours. :)
Title: If I Stay
Author: Gayle Forman
Published: April 6, 2010
Publisher: Speak
Format: Paperback
Pages: 243
Type: 2-book series
Bookshelves: Contemporary YA
Read: December 24 - 26, 2013
Links: Goodreads